Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Featuring McFalls Elm Street School

The Elm Street School is a K-8 school about 10 miles from Lewiston/Auburn. It is located in Mechanic Falls and is part of Union 29. The good people in this school need to look at every possible avenue to stretch their small budget in order to provide the very best possible learning environment in a caring, community school. Though I haven't worked with them this past year, I had the opportunity in previous years to see their dedication to grabbing every opportunity that might enhance their school. On an earlier post, we looked at the importance of classroom web presence. Check the links below to see a small sampling of the free/inexpensive solutions that Elm Street 7-8 teachers made use of:

Laurie Callahan - Social Studies

Mrs. Callahan's Portaportal

Dan Knott - Science

Mr. Knott's Portaportal

Cathy Wood

Mrs. Wood's Homework Hero Assignment Page

Gigi Lee

Mrs. Lee's Math Website and Weather WebQuest

WDL Episode 19

Award Ceremonies Podcast
Wicked Decent Learning Blog
Maine Ideas in Education

Straight out of Western Maine, Jeff Bailey and Dan Ryder continue their famous/infamous weekly podcasts on issues and opportunities in education . . . with a focus on Maine.

Direct Audio Link to this Week's Podcast

Doing Research at OHMS

I'm working with Bev Yates' classes today on looking at ways of finding information and determining whether it can be trusted or not. Link.


Monday, May 12, 2008