Saturday, May 31, 2008


It is almost time to start reflecting on the school year.

End-of-the-Year Resources

Photo credit

Maine Holocaust Education Network

Ernie Easter of the New Sweden School has created the Maine Holocaust Education Network which is a network of educators and students sharing and collaborating with each other in order to understand the Holocaust and work towards preventing future holocausts, genocides, and other human rights atrocities. Join them here.

Holocaust Resources at LIM Resources Wiki

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Who(m) Do We Trust?

We live in a world that has a flood of information. How do we decide which information is true? How do we sort out what is most reliable? Let's look at some handy tools and ideas that help to make sense of it all. Click here.

Essential Question: '"How do you know information is true?"

Digital Video - Getting the Word Out

by Dave Perloff

Thanks for your post, and your encouragement regarding our foundation's work. We've had excellent adoption of by key Maine technology integrators, including David Grant, Laura Richter and Bob Sprankle, but it's been challenging to get the word out more generally. "Learning in Maine" is certainly one avenue for addressing that.

Jay Charette at Madawaska Middle School has been especially active in using our approach to digital video. His work was cited in the article written about Fast Track Grants in the current ACTEM news letter (p. 5, Perhaps you could encourage Jay ( to contribute a post concerning his "Step Up Day" video project, which is now on-line at .

Recently, I've been focusing on the use of the media player for accessing and archiving audio podcasts. Check out the following link for examples:

This page provides instant access to more than 250 audio tracks. All of the .mp3 files reside on their own servers. They can be downloaded by clicking on the symbols at the right of the playlist item.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fast Track Grants

Dave and Sandy Perloff have been giving back to Maine schools. Have an innovative or important project that you need help in implementing? Check with the Perloff Family Foundation.

The following schools and districts are now eligible to apply for grants for the 2008/2009 school year:
  • Biddeford School District
  • Connor Consolidated School
  • Edmunds Consolidated School
  • Ellsworth School Department
  • Kingman Elementary
  • Madawaska Elementary and MS/HS
  • MSAD 27 (Fort Kent, Eagle Lake, Saint Francis, Wallagrass)
  • MSAD 60 (Berwick, Lebanon, North Berwick)
  • Sinclair (Therriault Elementary)

Find more information and background on the Fast Track Grants at the Maine Community Foundation.

Have a video project? Check here.