Saturday, August 9, 2008

Visual Literacy Continued . . .

Find these new pages at the LIM Resources Wiki. Feel free to modify, add, delete, elaborate, extrapolate, etc. . . . and include projects that work for you. AND . . . please do give yourself credit by adding your name and/or email address.

Elements of Art
Principles of Design
Styles of Art
Art History

Photo Credit: Water Lilies

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

'08-'09 Conference/Workshop Calendar

It's time to once again build a calendar for conferences and workshops available to Maine educators for the coming school year. A wiki list has been started here. Please add events that you are aware of.

I am a dinosaur . . .

I came across the writing of Maine teacher, James G. Fabiano, this evening, amazed that I hadn't noticed his writing before this. In "A Dinosaur of Education," there is an opportunity to appreciate the perspective of long-time teachers.

What do you think?

A Dinosaur of Education Blog
Other Writing by JGF
Life Without Teaching

Walking the Talk

Recently a new type of conference called Constructing Modern Knowledge premiered in New Hampshire. Sarah Sutter of EduEyeView attended and gives an excellent review of this novel experience. Iconoclast Gary Stager was the organizer and promoter of this "hands-on" dive-right-in experience.

Photo Credit

“Become the change you wish to see in the world."

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Shining Eyes

Essential Question: What creates excitement in learning?

Photo Credit

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Unless Someone Cares

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." ~The Lorax, Dr. Suess
It's been a good day. My youngest niece, Emily, played Sour Kangaroo with enthusiasm in Auburn Little Theater's production of Seussical Jr. Community theater is magical . . . and this performance was no exception. The idea of gathering a diverse group of people, assigning roles, learning skills, practicing, and working as a team to create a performance to delight an audience is the essence of good project-based education.

Shouldn't schools be doing more of it?

"Is there a common denominator that transcends the millenium -- that will survive the amazing technological revolution that we are in? All the technology, programs, buildings, and other resources that we have, will not have the life-changing power of one caring person"

"The Common Denominator is you."

~ Dr. Mark Eastman

Essential Question: In the end, what is most important?

Character at LIM Resources


Process Skills at LIM Resources

Wisdom of Dr. Seuss