MainEducation 2008

Miss the ACTEM MainEducation 2008 Conference at the August Civic Center? I did . . . as I was presenting at the the Maine Adult Education Conference at Sunday River and thoroughly enjoying it, gaining a much better understanding of the issues of adult learners. . . but . . . thanks to the great work of Michael Richards and many others who put their work online and recorded many of the sessions through blogs, wikis, live blogs, photos, etc., I am now able to attend asynchronously though missing the face-to-face contact that is always welcomed.

Check out Michael's compilation here at ACTEM's Web 2.0 One Stop Shopping. There is an incredible wealth of information to help stay in the loop. Thank you, everyone!

FREE Conference Calls with Skype

As the need to be fiscally responsible becomes more important than ever, I'd like to share Skype's tutorial regarding how to conference call. Up to 24 people (or computers, really) can be involved in a conference call. I have personally "attended" Jim Burke's Blogging Workshop in Norway from the comfort of my own kitchen using Skype. It worked beautifully. Take a look at this tutorial and give it a try!

Blasting Away with Blogs

MAEA Conference, Friday, October 17, 7:30 - 10:15, Simonds

“One of the reasons we fear these technologies is because we as teachers don’t yet understand them or use them. But the reality is that our students already do. It’s imperative that we be able to teach our kids how to use the tools effectively and appropriately because right now they have no models to follow.”

~ Will Richardson

Essential Question: How can classroom communication and collaboration be enhanced with the use of blogs?

Connectivity and Warming Up

Blog Definition/Description

Why Blog?
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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Action Day 2008

by Joe Makley

Today, October 15, 2008, is a day that bloggers around the world have been asked to speak on poverty, (to "shake the web," actually.) In this forum, we often hear reference to the flattening and equalizing effects of technology access in education, and I can say I have seen it first hand, in Maine, where more than one low income MLTI student has blossomed after receiving his/her 1-1 device. The OLPC program, even in its reduced form, is making great headway, especially in parts of South America. Sites like Kiva really show the muscle of the read-write web for social change. Is anyone currently operating a classroom project using Kiva?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Handy Free Word Processors for OS X

1. OpenOffice 3 for Mac (just off the presses . . . word processing and much, much more)

2. AbiWord
3. Bean
4. Google Docs (online)
5. ZOHO Writer (online)

Any others to suggest?

6. Buzzword (online) I've added this neat online word processor at the suggestion of Richard Byrne. See Richard's review at Free Technology for Teachers.