Thursday, July 9, 2009

"The Rivals"

The 12th Annual Maine International Film Festival will be happening from July 10-19 in Waterville. Among the films will be a documentary by Lone Wolf Documentary Group on the football rivalry of two very different Maine towns.

MBR Comments
Morning Sentinel

Cape Elizabeth vs Mountain Valley - 10 Minute Sample

Google Chrome OS

Google has announced a new operating system.

NYT: Google Plans a PC Operating System

Introducing the Google Chrome OS
Google OS Announced: How Will It Affect Apple?
Prediction: Google and Apple Go to War

Many questions are being asked in this move to "cloud" computing. Question 1: "What will happen when you go offline?" See some more questions here:

10 Things We're Dying to Know About Chrome OS

One final question: Is there a danger in Google having too much power?
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." ~ Lord Acton

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Partnership for 19th Century Skills"

Ever wonder who funds and is on the board of Partnership for 21st Century Skills?

Ever wonder when the major essential question of schooling became this:
"How do we create the schools America needs to remain competitive?"

Do you remember when the major goal was this:
"How do we create the schools America needs to create responsible citizens?

Diane Ravitch speaks to another side of learning at Common Core.

Susan Ohanian's take on this.

Also see earlier post: 22nd Century Learning

ACT - Professional Association for Citizenship Teaching (UK)

Featuring Hattie DeRaps

Hattie is an alternative education teacher at Mt. Blue High School. I discovered her work on Darlene Bassett's blog, Reflections on Meta-cognition - For Educators by Educators. Hattie makes great use of blogs, using them for professional development and as a tool for her students

Check these out:

Literacy Strategies in Action
Mrs. DeRaps Goes to College
Class Blog

Monday, July 6, 2009

Open Thinking

Wow, thanks to Dan Ryder at Wicked Decent Learning, I've discovered Open Thinking: Rants & Resources from an Open Educator. This is an incredible blog that you don't want to miss. In particular, check out "80+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy." Love it!