Friday, August 3, 2007


We would love to have you share your ideas on our past two days together.

What went well?

What could be improved?

What did you find interesting?

What suggestions might you make for future workshop sessions?


  1. I thought this week went really well, although this was my first time attending one. I enjoyed the new information and the company. Thanks a bunch and hope to see everyone again next year!!

    Theresa Cyr

  2. Thanks to everyone especially the presenters for the wonderful job.

    Salute to TerryLynn for promoting and designing Inspiration Station. We'll post the ideas shortly.

    And special thanks to "Linkman" Burke for the managing our blog!

    Bob McIntire

  3. Overall, it was a great two days. The networking part with other teachers from around the state was one of the best parts. The Literacy track sessions that I attended were also excellent. David Warlick had many good ideas and brought me up to date on how today's kids see technology. The Friday session on Information Literacy by Sylvia Norton and other school librarians was very practical for the importance of showing kids the research process and citing of sources in a "cut and paste" world.
    The Maine Maritime facilities were first rate and it was an excellent conference. The boat ride was an unexpected pleasure.
    Next time perhaps some of the sessions could be repeated as sometimes there was more than one I wanted to go to. The Inspriration Station was a good idea and I learned some new things. I wish that there were paper handouts at some of the presentations. These are easier to look back at than websites which may not be there a few months down the road.

  4. George, thank you for taking the time to give us some feedback on the conference. That allows us to think of ways of improving it for an other year. Are there any other particulars that you think might need some attention?

    The idea of having air conditioning in all presentation rooms, if that could somehow be finagled, certainly comes to mind. Would be a nice plus.

    How about the registration process? Any way that it could be enhanced . . . or did it seem quite clear-cut?

    Any suggestions for getting the word out to others who might not have been in the loop?

    What workshops might be offered next year that teacher would find helpful?

    I hear you on paper handouts and I understand. It is an issue that I've given considerable thought. In my own workshops I've tried to reduce the amount of paper handouts to a bare minimum and make clear to participants that the online links would be up for a least a year for them to refer back to. I do this based on my own personal bad habits of taking paper handouts home, throwing them in a pile, and then very rarely looking at them again. But that's just me. I do realize that many people (most, perhaps?) like the hardcopies to have at their fingertips. Anyhow, thanks on this suggestion.

    Again, thanks for your many contributions during the Castine gathering! :) It's been great getting to know you.


  5. For me, this was an excellent institute. I was able to learn and speak with leaders in the field of "the new literacies," which added real value to the studies I have been doing on this.
    It was also great to get away from work for a couple of days to pursue the goals of the work without its distractions. I already knew about DIGG and De.lic.ious (whatever,) but I learned much more by having some quality time with Dave Warlick on a "tour" of these and other new things that keep coming at us.
    I don't know how you did this for the price (it was definitely a factor) but it was the best event for the money... ever.
