Friday, October 12, 2007

ACTEM 2007 Conference Notes to Share - Friday

This is a space for comments on the ACTEM MaineEducation 2007 Technology Conference. Click on "comments" below and share your observations and thoughts.

A Web of Connections: Why the Read/Write Web Changes Everything

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  1. I'm sitting on the floor in the big room on the 2nd floor of the North Wing at the Augusta Civic Center. Will Richardson is speaking. His blog is one I happen to follow, along with David Warlick's 2¢. Like David, Will appeals to me because he knows education. He's been there and knows what it is like in the trenches. Down to earth . . . I respect that! :)

    He asks great questions and is continually reflecting on what is happening in his experience.

    I'm on the floor . . .but I'm listening carefully. :)

  2. I'm here too. Great stuff. How does Will R have time to read so many books and blogs?? He must be doing all his book reading in flight, because according to his blog he's been giving presentations all over the world!

  3. Interesting question, Diane. In fact, on his blog a couple of days ago, he speaks of feeling a bit overwhelmed with it all. Very honest and upfront about it. Again, asking good questions about how we deal with information and the tools which bring that information to us.

  4. Still here. Will just summed up the theme of the conference thus:

    “If you have an Internet connection in your room, you are no longer the smartest person in the room.”
