Thursday, October 11, 2007

ACTEM Conference 2007 Chatter - Pre-Conference

This is a space for comments on the ACTEM MaineEducation 2007 Technology Conference. Click on "comments" below and share your observations and thoughts.

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  1. Thanks for this space, Jim. I am currently in the preconference session with Will Richardson. His main message is that we need use Web 2.0 tools to build and nurture learning in networked communities. So far we have looked at Google Reader, which I already use thanks to Becky. It so happens that I have Will's blog on my google reader:

    More as the session progresses....

  2. I'm in Vicki Davis' Effective Wiki Teaching. This is fast-paced, interactive, and exciting. Check out her blog at:

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. OK, I got the picture to iphoto, but can you add pictures to blogger? I'm going to put it in my flikr account. He's now talking about social bookmarking, delicious. His delicious username is willrich.

    Here is the address for the Will Richardson, huh?

  6. I too attended Will Richardson's session and I found his presentation of the weblog technologies ...wikis, google reader, and other neat tools for the teacher to be inspiring to say the least. All of this made it quite clear to me that it is time we educators realize that the online tools and the spaces that all of our students are so accustomed to creating and inhabiting is where education is heading. I think we need to meet the learners where they are living and communicate through their medium..I know I am having fun right now setting up my wiki space and subscribing to all my favorite news programs...gotta work hard to catch up:)
