Wednesday, October 17, 2007

On Universal Design, Acronyms & Buzzwords

I just finished reading Amanda Leavitt's October 13 post on Universal Design titled "My Universal Design." I enjoyed Amanda's playfulness with the many acronyms and buzzwords we throw around in Education.

Susan Ohanian has a list for NCLB words: Most likely Words to Appear in Congressional Reauthorization of NCLB.

“If you can't convince them, confuse them.” ~ Harry Truman

Question: Why do we use terms that only serve to obfuscate? Isn't it time we use language to communicate rather than to confuse?

Universal Design Resources


  1. I don't have Olga's WIKI on my page.

  2. Mine still says 0 comments

  3. This was fascinating, but I need so much more! I would be very interested in hearing more about applications of these tools. A full day workshop would be great.
