Friday, October 19, 2007

Workshop: Teaching the Art of Persuasion

Patsy Dunton from the Maine Department of Education is sharing the changes in the standards of the Maine Learning Results which has implications in the teaching of persuasion.

Guidelines for evaluating persuasive text:

1. Does the text argue for a particular position or point of view?
2. Does it attempt to convince the reader to think, act, or feel a certain way?
3. Does it begin with an opening statement which introduces the author's position?
4. Does it develop the position with relevant supporting evidence?
5. Does it concede, acknowledge, or refute an opposing view?

Some other connected resources


  1. The link to "Some other connected resources" is excellent! Thanks - and I urge Maine teachers to make use of it!

  2. Elizabeth . . . I thoroughly enjoyed your From Argument to Persuasion workshop at MAMLE. Do you have any of your materials and ideas available online to share? Good Stuff!

