Friday, November 30, 2007

Tech Sherpas in Maine

Check out the Christian Science Monitor for an excellent article on Maine students helping teachers.

Related Links:
MSAD#48 Tech Club

Incidentally, check out Dan Viles's google pages website to see an excellent example of what is possible using this extremely user-friendly format. Dan also makes great use of Google Blogs and Groups and Docs for organizing content and collaborating with his students. Be sure to check them out. Wow!

Question: What do other online learning environments such as Studywiz and Moodle offer that free Google Apps doesn't have available?

1 comment:

  1. The Nokomis Warriors Broadcasting crew video taped the Governor's Economic Summit on Early Childhood at the Samoset in Rockport Thursday and Friday. Live audio was streamed on the web using via the Maine Legislature server. A web cam stream of activities appeared on the Nokomis Warriors web site. The Boradcast team will now download the DV Pro segments and create DVDs of the proceedings for the Governor, the Children's Cabinet and other interested parties.

    The crew was recognized by both the Governor and First Lady for there work and involvement. Kern Kelley supervised.
