Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Oxford Hills MARTI Video Workshop

We'll be investigating the possibilities that online videos have in promoting learning in the adult education field tomorrow. Here is the workshop agenda.

Anything you can add to the offerings?

What are your experiences accessing online video for classroom use?


  1. Our district has had a license to United Streaming ( for the last couple of years, and I've used it extensively to introduce concepts, to add enrichment to some of the things we've been doing, and for further exploration of topics. It's good because most (all?) of the videos are downloadable and can be viewed in segments. Most of them have teachers' guides and activities that go along with the videos, and they also break them out by state learning results, though the last I checked they weren't aligned with the new learning results.

  2. Thanks, renegaducator. Teachers at SAD# 43 and SAD#44 speak highly of united streaming as well. I'm assuming United Streaming and Discovery Education Streaming are one in the same. Am I wrong?

  3. I believe you are correct Jim.

    A ran across a great idea for using videos from anywhere. In iMovie and in Windows Movie Maker the teacher can remove the audio track from the movie. Now the students work in production teams to create the dialog, sounds, music and everything needed to complete the video of the content. Effectively, you give them the video content that will be used and they flesh out the voice-overs and other audio fillers. Definitely a higher level activity as students are constructing meaning and making evaluations throughout the entire process. Great Fun!
