Friday, February 22, 2008

MVYDC Laptop Lunch Group

Wikispaces is an easy and convenient place to set up a digital learning space to complement face-to-face staff development. It's free and straightforward . . . . without layers of bureaucracy to work through when dealing with limited time and energy.

Check out the WVYDC Laptop Lunch Group right here in the State of Maine as an excellent example.

Who could ask for anything more?

More Info about wikis
Jim Moulton's wiki at Wikispaces on project-based learning.
Gulf of Maine Activities at Wikispaces
NNELL (National Network for Early Language Learning) at Wikispaces
Blue Algebra Wikispace (Lewiston)

You are invited to join and contribute to the LIM Resources Wiki.


  1. Jim-

    Thanks for the plug! It has been a good support piece for us. We try to meet once a week to talk and learn about ways to use technology and our laptops in the classroom. The wiki is an easy place for us to gather information and collaborate.

    Mark Spahr

  2. Sure makes a great deal of sense to me, Chef Mark! Thanks for the background. I'm sure it could be a very effective model for other schools or groups in the State.


  3. Jim-

    I had an interesting thing happen after I told someone at my school about this post. To quote my distressed collegue: "you mean our wiki can be seen by anyone?" This was certainly not the reaction I expected. I wrote more about this on my blog.

  4. It's great to be communicating to others of interest, out there.

  5. I think this has a lot of upside.
