Monday, February 4, 2008

Reporting Out: Today's Telstar eMINTS Session

Share what you have discovered at Telstar's eMINTS session (3:30 - 7:00) today.

Any recipes to share? :)

Thanks so much for collaborating during my absence. Appreciated.


  1. I had problems with my computer tonight and did not do as much as I had hoped. I think next class I might bring my PC again instead of my new Mac Book.

  2. I was tamed by the ringmaster Kate. She kept me on a tight leash thanks to the ever so present force of the all-knowing and seeing aura of Jim Burke.

    Actually, I worked on checking out some more info on Podcasts.....

    And played and learned.

  3. I liked the bridge webquests. I can link this to my toothpick bridge activity. MJ was so kind to share her room and knowledge - these younger kids, ummm teachers, know so much more of this technology.

  4. I love the + Harbor site, Jim. I've never used it before and I just found it on Wikispaces.

    Hope you have a good week, Jim!

  5. Worked with Tracy on math sites for elementary school, been using SMART board more and more...... till next time

  6. I just pulled into my yard, returning from Augusta, where I learned much more about SmartBoards . . . which I'll share with all of the gang in our session on February 25.

    Need stress relief? Check out this site:

    Pull your mouse over the white screen.

    Also. . . .Laura Richter's latest project here:

  7. Dee Robinson, Doug Bennett, Mark Antell have been approved as bonafide members/editors of the learninginmaine resources wiki. Anyone else want to do gain editing privileges now?

    The way the wiki works is that you really can't mess up on trying it out. Earlier versions remain available and other editors can make changes as needed.


  8. Now M.J. . . . Do you really expect me to believe that ringmaster Kate was able to keep you in line? Ha! :)

    Kate is extremely talented . . . but some challenges are just too overwhelming! :)`


  9. Did you check out the Wicked Decent Learning podcast out, M.J.? Jeff is out of Mountain valley high school and might be a good person to contact about podcasts.


  10. Dee . . .sorry to hear that the ol' Mac was acting up. How are your new pups doing?

  11. Kate . . I love bridge activities. Do you use toothpicks and elmer's?

  12. Val. . .

    Hmmmmm. . .I have to check that site out tomorrow. Don't seem to remember it. . Thanks. .


  13. Marie & Tracy. . . good to hear that you had some time to investigate math activities. There sure is a wealth of interactive sites in that area! Just takes time to weed through the stuff that is not needed.

    Take care. . .


  14. I enjoyed getting back into the swing of things. I have felt so out of the loop since being out on maternity leave! I enjoyed checking out some lessons on teaching current events, primarily the election, since my class is really into it.

    Judy's little granddaughter also inspired me to try to get a blog for my girls going at Blogster. I know my parents and my in-laws would love to get to see videos of the girls. Now I just have to find the time to get it going...
