Friday, March 28, 2008

The Google Suite at SAD#48

Wow . . . you have to see this! Kern Kelley has posted on the Tech Curve the work of students at his school called GOOGLE: Overview of the Google Suite of Online Applications. Note that the e-book was published through ISSUU which has many interesting features indeed. I'm guessing it was created using Comic Life, but would love to have the creators comment on the process they used in developing this handy tutorial. Impressive!


  1. Hi Jim, Kern here with one of the students who created the document. I'm going to hand it over to Brooke to explain the process:

    First we went through the Google suite and used Grab to take pictures of different pages.

    Then we put them into Comic Life and put them in order. Finally we edited the text and published it!

    Me again, afterwards I created a PDF from the document and uploaded it to to view it.

  2. Bravo, Brooke! What is your next project going to be?
