Thursday, August 12, 2010

In Praise of RSU #10 Computer Technical Staff

Very often Maine school technology technical staff don't get the respect they deserve.  It can be a very frustrating job, with last-minute requests and demands that are constantly arising.  Knowing that, I have to say what a delight it is to see the RSU10 technical staff in action.  Not only do they have impressive technical skills, but more importantly, they have outstanding people skills.  As part of my job as the Western Maine Learning & Technology Mentor, I have experienced the friendly and helpful people who make all the difference in making technology integration work well.  RSU10 could very well serve as an excellent example of this work done right.  Every year during the Summer Technology Institute I can't help but be awed by the graciousness and patience practiced by this group.  One more time, I would like to say "Thank You!"

1 comment:

  1. It's been nice to see the positive comments from staff following this event. It's a pretty great tradition.
