Tuesday, February 14, 2012

NCLB and the waiver

It is too bad that Maine didn't make a run for the NCLB waiver. Maybe, the Maine DOE understands that the whole mandate is doomed anyway, why bother with all the tricks to get out of it sooner.
I am happy though that at least several states got out of it, and have looked again at ways to measure progress or performance of schools and students.
This post provides some insights into what's happening in MN and Doug Johnson's thoughts about the measure.


  1. Hello,
    My name is Heather and I work for Worth Ave. Group. We’re currently holding a contest for K-12 teachers. Over $150,000 in grant money and prizes will be given away in the Technology in Education Grant. Get the teachers you know involved in this great giveaway by voting for them and you'll give them a chance to win an iPad 2, 30 iPod touches for their classroom and a $25,000 technology grant for their school. Voting has just begun and end will end March 31st. Visit www.voteforteachers.com today or call 1-855-834-7660 for more information.

  2. I've been reading your posts since our child became involved with the Everyday Math curriculum published by the McGraw-Hill Corporation. I've found some startling family links to the Bushs and the McGraws, but also including Barbara Bush being on their 'advisory' board. Why is the publisher who supplies the media influencing the Common Core State Standards and the NCLB? Isn't there a conflict of interest that Achieve Inc, the Bushs, and McGraw-Hill are corporatising our education system? Not to mention the curriculum is a HORRIBLE bombardment of useless algorithms a child can only absorb long enough for the NECAP tests, and then forget.
