Wednesday, August 1, 2007

David Warlick

We are fortunate to have David Warlick with us in Castine. He is known very well throughout the world for his contributions to thoughtful integration of technology. There is a link to his blog on the resources list on the right of this page.


  1. Though we seem to sometimes be "behind the times" here in Maine, it's nice to hear that with instructional technology, we're ahead of many places. I had a seminar at the Library of Congress in DC, and I took my laptop. I was surprised that the LoC is not wireless, and none of the other teachers (from other states) thought it would be. I guess I've been spoiled by wireless access in so many places in Maine.

  2. Yes we are so lucky to consider wireless as a must have, not only a must have but must be ROBUST! We are lucky to work in Maine.
