Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Inspiration Station

Join us at Inspiration Station for relaxed sharing of ideas, AC, and a place to chat. Drop off your Official Inspiration Station Registration Form to win a silver 4 gig iPod, iPod Shuffle and other cool stuff.

Become part of recording the history of this institute by borrowing a dv camera and shooting to your heart's delight. If you haven't done it before, and wish to, we'll show you how to import it into iMovie and edit it. Rick Barter and Laura Richter have already started the ball rolling. Eight more cameras are available.

Curious about something and looking for an answer or some possibilities? If we don't know, we'll work with you to find out.


  1. 4:12 Where having some great relaxed discussion at Inspiration Station. Laura Richter of Skowegan has been sharing her incredible new grant to connect project-based learning with economic development. When you see her, be sure to ask her about i.

    Kern Kelley is here with high school students Doran and Tyler who are about to do an exclusive interview with David Warlick. When you see them, ask about their projects at MSAD#48.

  2. Ernie Easter's enthusiasm with new technologies is evident in his conversation. He works with his kids in New Sweden. Be sure not to miss his Maine Memories presentation. Ernie was showing the mike extension to his iPod. Kern Kelley had another solution that allows other microphones to be added.

    Kern also had some of the Jeff Moe "geek" glasses that you can plug into your video ipod and have the theater experience "in you head". :)

  3. 4:50 Wednesday

    Doran, high school student at SAD#48, gave us a great tour of the actual Leopard OS on his laptop. Wow! Thanks, Doran. Leopard is scheduled to come out in October.

  4. Be on the lookout for the following videographers:

    Rick Barter
    Laura Richter
    Elizabeth York
    Jana Kiket

    Still have more cameras available on loan at Inspiration Station.

    Drop in when you have a chance.

  5. Check out at MSAD#48. Kern and students have been experimenting with live streaming broadcasting from this Institute.

  6. Around 5 of 8 here. We have projectors going (two of 'em) and about half a dozen people chatting about a variety of subjectgs. A couple are talking about a classroom project and possibilities of extending it. Others are investigating sources of information for use in the classroom. Mints are out. :)

  7. Open Source Software is free software that can be downloaded and installed on any computer.There is a great deal of software available for Macs, Windows, and Linux. I attended the FOSSED (Free and Open Source Software for education) held at Gould Academy in Bethel. It is a great conference that is held in June. Below are websites that have free and open source Mac software.
    Much of it has a commercial quality and some is a work in progress. The learning curve is a little higher than commercial software but if you google the name of the program, you can usually find tutorials.

    The Free Mac Classroom

    Open Source Mac

    Software for Starving Students

    Free Open Source Software Mac User Group

    Open Source Mac

    National Center for Open Source and Education

    A book on Free and Open Source Software can be downloaded from the URL below as a PDF:

  8. The site for the FOSSED conference is :
