Monday, August 24, 2009

Community Schools and Declining Enrollments

Enrollments are decreasing in many Maine schools. In most areas, the community school is very important to the citizens living close to it. The Town of Harpswell is part of MSAD#75 and has two elementary schools, the West Harpswell School and Harpswell Islands School. Enrollments are down, which means something has to give in order to keep costs down. One of the buildings has been selected to close next year, and this has been a very controversial and emotional time for many living in this beautiful coastal town with a diverse population .

Signs along the road voice this concern and disappointment.

Wikipedia: Harpswell, Maine

A Former Harpswell Controversy:

Cribstone Bridge Spans History and Culture
Wikipedia: The Bailey Island Bridge
Explore Maine: The Cribstone Bridge
Cribstone Bridge Undergoing Repairs

Photo Credit: Pam Kenney, Cribstone Educational Services

"Maine Laptop Expansion Moves Forward"

Article at Education Week's Digital Directions

LD # 1446

An Act To Create the Maine Online Learning Program

This legislation was passed on June 9, 2009. Anyone know anything about it?