What would be the best way to promote it, encouraging our citizens to discover the wealth of authoritative resources that is at our fingertips?
Questions: Have the local TV stations done any features on it? Has it been promoted in Maine's newspapers? Do schools have it listed on their websites?
Any other suggestions?
Jim, There's a wonderful resource on the Actem Noteshare site, a Notebook that was created by Barbara Greenstone. Next week there are plans to update that Notebook, and I have used it already as a training guide and tool for the districts that I work with. Marvel is one of the most underused resources that Maine provides. I have not had a group yet that knows of its value and potential, but once they do they are amazed. We all need to promote it more.
Jim & Becky
What about a series of podcasts by schools who are experts at using Marvel? Maybe a general infomercial about Marvel and some specific howtos. Some of these could be for students while others are for teachers.
Thanks, Becky, for the notebook suggestion. Do you suppose it could be saved as html and put on the web proper, available to everyone? Guess we'll have to check Barbara on that one.
Ernie . . . another great idea . . a project just waiting to happen. Thanks. Could there be a Jing or some other screen capture tool tie-in perhaps for a video presentation? Is it something you might consider doing with your students?
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